Sunday, August 17, 2008

Adventures in Delivery

Adrienne, Ethan, and I went to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital at 8:30 p.m. last night to test the hospital staff, doctor, and our own sanity...we got about an 80% and the hospital staff and doctor got an A++. They did a fantastic job, kept it light and fun and funny, while we just took in the experience and chalked it up as one for the books. Now, when Adrienne really does go into labor we know what we forgot to bring, do, and leave. I think we are lucky we didn't hop in the car and leave Ethan at the house we were so out of focus! Let me explain...We prepacked our bags, but had a long and tiring day (we walked the Holyoke Mall, to buy a new MacBookPro), so no bottles were clean, the daily used toiletries weren't packed, we had no food prepared for the all night stay, had we stayed all night, and to make it really bad...Ethan had no pants on, no socks, no shoes, no bottle, no snacks...luckily he had books in the car, and Adrienne keeps a small supply of snacks in her bag for blood sugar lows, so Ethan didn't starve. He was a great trooper actually...he was awake the whole time, running around and exploring, making all kinds of great memories for us.

Anyway, it was a great experience, a little embarassing, but it had to be done since we don't know the first thing about what we are doing (since Adge was induced for her last pregnancy...waiting for the baby to be ready is scary, nerve racking, and exciting).

This has been a part of

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was really embarrassing. How can you tell when you're really in labor!? I had painful contractions all day!