Saturday, August 2, 2008

Charity and Diabetes

I have been developing the link to the right "Charity." Check it out...It isn't much to look at, but has a lot of great sites to link to and learn about. One in particular that I read a little about and can't wait to search deeper into is Imagine a Cure. This organization and the Juvenile Research Diabetes Foundation (JDRF) will be growing closer and closer to my heart as my wife, Adrienne, has Type 1 Diabetes. She is an amazing and strong woman, but this disease is brutal (yet she fights every day), debilitating (yet she has almost finished her second pregnancy...pregnancy and diabetes do not go well together), and life long (yet I know my wife will be with me to the end). I am sure you have heard of the disease, but everybody can know more. I have been studying it for nearly 3 years now, and I am just beginning to grasp the depth of how integral the pancreas is to the human body. It breaks my heart to think that little children barely able to talk and just learning what life is like, are forced to learn life differently because of diabetes. Take some time, read the sites, and then look around you to see who in your life you can love.

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