Monday, October 13, 2008

Ubu Rex

Me eating a piece of shit...!

I am working on an oral presentation on Ubu Roi (Rex). By my green candle, it is a wonderful play by Alfred Jarry! Very crass, very weird, and very politically charged. In this play, Ma Ubu manipulates and convinces Pa Ubu to brutally murder King Wenceslas of Poland with the aid of McNure and his Merry men; however, within five days after murdering Wenceslas, Pa Ubu has managed to murder Wenceslas entire family, except Boggerlas, all the nobles, all the judges, and some citizens, while changing financial laws and the entire judicial system. Ubu double crosses and put M'Nure in gaol, but M'Nure escapes to set Wenceslas' cousin, Tsar Alexis, to war with Pa Ubu while Ma Ubu steals the reasures of Ploand and flees from Boggerlas to the mountains. Pa Ubu escapes the Tsar by fleeing to the mountains, where a bear is killed by Pa Ubu's Palcontents, then Ma Ubu discovers Pa Ubu has fled to the same mountain as her and unsuccessfully tries to convince Pa Ubu to love her and not beat her. Pa Ubu and Ma Ubu escape the mountains and sail on the Baltic to Germany with the Palcontents.

Here is a dish of shit I made for my oral presentation...

I will be presenting the play from my own personal view point, with imagery, concepts, and an entire production strategy. I am very excited about the project and have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the text. Perhaps, I will set-up a link to my final paper which is due in about 6 weeks...

Note: All shit is really caramel brownies...


Anonymous said...

im not even really sure what to say, but im laughing,,, you should set up a hidden camera in your class when you do the presentation...

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... needs more corn, perhaps a bit of cooked spinach would do nicely as well! LOL ...Yummy!

Anonymous said...

UBU! By my green candle! Pshhittabugger!