Friday, November 28, 2008

Edward Hopper

Automat, Edward Hopper, 1927

I am working on a lighting studio project. We are instructed to research one painter, write a paper telling about the artist and his work, focusing on the artists concept and use of light, color, and space. I have decided to do my project on Edward Hopper. He is a realist painter of the 20th century, whose art has a decidedly architectural and geometric emphasis to it. Although many of his paintings contain men and women, most of his paintings are of buildings and landscapes. It may be argued that the buildings and landscapes are the subject of his work even the paintings with human figures in them. I am enjoying his work in relationship to this project specifically because he is a great artist to study for inspiration while working on lighting installations for architectural environments.

The geometrical shapes and angles that he works with, the focus and direction of light, and the moods created in his art are combined an inspiration to my art. I have never been able to explore an artists work and understand what they are creating. I have never been able to enjoy looking at the art. However, with this project, I am beginning to find a way into the world of the painter of the still artist.

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