Monday, January 12, 2009

New Software

Press photo for Pericles, Prince of Tyre

As the new year begins to come into its own, most of us have stopped writing 2008 and have accepted 2009, our jobs have been back in full swing for over a week now, for most, school is starting back up, and for some, new year's resolutions are beginning to wane. Well, as these things happen, I am beginning to learn a software program that isn't necessarily new to me, but I have never taken the time to learn it, so most of its functions are actually new to me. For any theatrical lighting designer (or at least their assistants), Nemestcheck's revolutionary software program, VectorWorks, is a wonderful tool for advancing the field of design. It doesn't make any of us a better designer, but it does offer us the tools to put our ideas on paper faster. In this way, we are more able to focus our energies on the actual design of the production. This is particularly valuable for theatrics because we tend to be designing more than one show at a time, as well as, in a rapid sort of fashion. So, if you happen to love Auto-CAD programs, but have never heard of VectorWorks, then I suggest you check it out, because it truly is a lighting designers dream offering advantages to a wide variety of industries.


Pablo Lora said...

Jonathan - I came across your blog and I was happy to see that you are enjoying your copy of Vectorworks Spotlight. It's always great to hear users talk about their experience with Vectorworks and how much it helps them in their design work. Thanks for the post!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome! Thank you guys for providing the service. I have the 2008 Academic Version, and I can't wait for the workshop I will be taking to learn more about the program next week!!