Monday, January 26, 2009

Sound Design

So, I attended my first design class at Amherst College today. It was laid back, informative, and intriguing. All the things I hope for and look for in a class. I want a chance to explore and learn at the same time. A chance to ask questions without the constant..."you can't do that"...phrase penetrating my art. Anyway, our first assignment is to record 10 sounds, but I don't have a device to record sound on: Our video camera only records video and not sound, I lost my phone today, and so what am I going to do? Rob, the instructor, offered a recording device, but made it clear that he prefers we find our own device, rather than borrow one of the available one's. He likes resourcefulness, who doesn't? At the break, I hopped on my computer and attempted to see if I could make a recording...after all, I can Skype...why not make a movie or sound recording too...Here are the fruits of my search...

We also spent the day attempting to define "music"...Here is the definition of music for our class created from the students collaborative perspective:

"An intentional or deliberate arrangement of sound and/or silence encountered by an audience over time."

What do you think? What do you consider to be music?

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