Monday, June 29, 2009


I am beginning to work on a show entitled... "Curiosity". It is the exploration of Pandora's Box through the world of puppetry...

Here are a few great puppetry websites that I am using as starting points for inspiration and research...

1. Puppeteers
2. Pagesperso-orange
3. Sagecraft
4. Unima-USA

It is a world almost entirely new to me, and yet one that I have been profoundly influenced by and deeply intrigued in understanding. Something about manipulating a small world is a bit scintillating to me! I will be working with a number of my lighting design colleagues at UMass, Amherst to develop a lighting design that will help aid in telling a story and creating a world for the production.

Here are a few of my starting points for research...

"A pithos from Crete, ca. 675 BC. Louvre"

"An Attic pyxis, 440–430 BC. British Museum"

"Pithoi at Knossos."

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Replica: Pandora, 1879

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Pandora

When you start a new project, where do you begin?

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