Monday, September 21, 2009

Drafting Using Vectorworks

I have two lighting designs due today. One is for our Rep-plot in the Curtain Theater at UMass, and the other is for a show called SCITUATE (for my lighting studio class). Here are a couple of images of my designs...

UMass Curtain Theater Rep-Plot 2009 to 2010 season...

This plot will go through some more minor adjustments during this week, and it will be hung next week with those changes from this week. So very exciting!

Scituate Light Plot

I had a week to read the play, and design the show. I had a limited technical rider to work from, but nonetheless, I am sure the show will look wonderful... As our fearless leader says, "Done-is-Done!"

Both designs were created using Vectorworks 2008

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