Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is going to be a Wonderfully Challenging Year!

The first week of classes is officially over, and I have a clear sense of what productions I will be working on, which classes I will be taking, and a growing realization that my life as I knew it over the summer is gone. That may be the last time, for many years, I will have such a relaxing and family centered life. It was so very refreshing and greatly needed, as this year is going to push my skills, knowledge, and patience to the limits.

So, here is a breakdown of the year as it stands (with more to be added as next semester approaches)... Send us your thoughts and lets start a conversation!

Current Classes:

Drawing and Rendering

Advanced Sound Design

Lighting Design Studio

Current Productions:

Burial At Thebes (Light Design)

Marta the Divine (Sound Design)

Curiosity (Light Design)

Spring Awakening: A Sin of Omission (Light Design)

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