Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grad School

Well, the first two weeks of graduate school are over, and I am beginning to get my bearings around campus and in the fine arts center. I have as yet to explore the music department and art department, but I am very curious about what kinds of projects are brewing over there...specifically the dance projects as the dance department is part of the music department here at UMASS. I am working on designing lights for an adaption of Moliere's The Imaginary Invalid by Connie Congdon. The version in the link is not the same version, but that is only because Congdon's version is not published yet. It is a really strong and hilarious tragic take on the play. It will open in the beginning of December at the Rand Theatre.

I am also working on a paper project of The Chairs by Eugene Ionesco. It is a great play and I am very interested in what is entailed in a paper project. I don't have any preconceived ideas, but I hope it is not like writing a paper. I don't mind hand drafting, but I hate the boring research involved in writing papers. Creativity is the best route, and I think I will be able to do that with this project.

I am also working on a class called text analysis. It is fun, but I think it is going to be very challenging. Especially for me since I read very slowly, and with two kids around, it is hard to find a long period of quiet time where I can read the play all in one setting. Richard III will be my first undertaking...let's see what happens!

Well, that is enough for now. I will expound on other projects that I am enjoying at a later date.


Anonymous said...

Must feel funny being a student again, although I guess we never really stop studying if we're in a creative life, eh?
How's the new baby?
I have an exhibit opening in a week. Not worried at all. Not nervous. Calm.

Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned that I'm inordinately proud to have had you as my student? Your portfolio of work looks fantastic. Great job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! The babe is doing very well...she is a happy and sleepy little girl...much more than I can say for our Ethan! He never slept!!!

Yeah...I never stop learning and studying...I am a student for life...! I hope to start using my blog a little more now that I am getting my schedule down again.
Good luck with your exhibit!