Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mystery visitor

I have been debating this question for a few months now, and hesitating because I don't want to scare away any visitors to my blog, but on occasion it is nice to know who the regulars are...especially if they never comment, but always visit. So, Pasadena, California...how about you introduce yourself...I am guessing I already know who you are, but put a name to the location and lets keep up a more enjoyable dialogue....



Anonymous said...

its just me jonathan! just like to check on my favorite lighting designer


and p.s. congratulations on the newest member of the hicks family

Anonymous said...

I thought it might be you, I hope you are having fun in your post graduate adventures. Thanks for keeping tabs on me...if my friends don't check on me, someday I may go crazy and not have anybody to remind me of who I am.

Anonymous said...

Also, you should send me an invite to read your blog...

Anonymous said...

Arent stats addicting!?! I've never had the notion to ask for someone to identify themselves to me... nice work!

Hey Suzy, I'd like an invite too. I'm always looking for a new blog to read. Peace, Rich