Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We had our first production meeting for Pericles tonight. It was all the good things that our first meeting for The Imaginary Invalid was not and all the bad things that were in The Imaginary Invalid were not at this first meeting for Pericles. I am very excited about this project (not that I am not excited about the Invalid, but the vibe and quality of work is going to be of a higher caliber). I can't wait to see what things we start to explore with this text. If you haven't read Shakespeare's Pericles, then I would suggest you take some time out of your busy weekend and sit down for five hours or so and just read it from front to back. It is long, but intriguing. A very different kind of Shakespearean play...a play of a different breed. Anyway, I will leave you with that for now...Enjoy!

Yikes!...I just came across this image

I can't help but comment that this is a similar design to the one that our scenic designer has presented to us. Now, it is plane knowledge to all theatre artists that there is nothing new under the sun, but this would I hope bring alarm to anybody that was designing. It is too close to not change gears and rethink the focus...from window units, to double forced perspective doors in the center, exits and entrances, multiple levels in the steps on the stage, and the front is shaped in the same octagonal way...I just can't help but raise some serious caution flags. What would you do if you found you had designed a set that was near identical to one that had already been done? Would you keep and claim the distinctions or would you rethink your design and attempt to create something more "original"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would want to try and find a way to make mine better or at least different. Though I must say that set is pretty amazing.