Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Imaginary Invalid vi.

2nd cue in Act I...(not a very good camera...sorry)...

Day three has been tacked up on the complete board for the Invalid tech. My advisor, Penny Remsen, met with me at couple of different time yesterday to discuss the process, the systems of lighting that she has taught me how to create, and the process of layering them in through the production. I am used to creating cues virtually seperate from each other...each cue almost being its own entity seperate from the cue before. The only thing that is usually the same is the instruments I am using. So, the same brushes, just different paint, to use an artist example of how to paint a set with light.

Here are just a few things that I learned from this process...

1. Never stress
2. Don't apologize
3. Start with the first cue and layer in the light progressively from cue to cue. (This is an indoor set (living room), period play (Moliere), essentially afternoon to twilight, and one room). So, I don't have a lot of need for drastically different lighting. I can create essentially two pallettes (afternoon and evening) and have exactly what I need to cue the show. Good thing for me, that is exactly what I did on paper, and now it is working on the actual set.
4. Do not draw the audience attention away from the actors unless the actors are directing the audience attention to a specific object or location in the set.
5. Color is very important and does not always work the same on paper as it does on the real set...always be ready with back-up gels and ideas, in case color choices need to be adjusted. It may be the right color, but the wrong saturation.
6. Technical rehearsals never work the same from show to show, director to director, and crew to crew. I am learning so many things with this process. Yesterday, I was on information overload, and especially the day before. I am now beginning to process all the information. I hope I can retain all of or most of it for the next round of designs.

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